Monday, 21 November 2016

NDM: Marxism, Pluralism and Hegemony

1)Research the Ian Tomlinson case. What would the traditional, hegemonic view of the police be in a case like this? How did new and digital media create a different story? What does the police officer's subsequent acquittal suggest about the power of new and digital media?

From this research I can gather that Ian Tomlinson was innocently walking home from work during protests. The protest was the G20 in 2009. One of the police officers had anticipated he was a part of the protest where he was then assaulted by the police officer and later killed after being attacked.  One man recorded it and managed to get it published.
2) What does the author argue regarding whether hegemony is being challenged by Web 2.0? 

The author argues that the internet doesn’t showcase one view it also promotes other views and values from sites such as blogs. They also offer professional journalism.

3) In your opinion, do new and digital media reinforce dominant hegemonic views or give the audience a platform to challenge them?
In my opinion I believe that the article does reinforce hegemonic views as people are reading different articles that they find and do not challenge it and when there's a dominant hegemonic view which is being reinforced. People will be more inclined to believe it rather than challenge due to a moral panic being created.

4) Do recent world events such as Brexit or Donald Trump's election in the US suggest dominant hegemonic ideologies are being challenged or reinforced? There are arguments for both sides here - explain your opinion and why.

I believe that the Brexit issue and Donald Trump election has hegemonic views as there were both promises given by the two campaigns. The reason why these promises were made was because for Donald Trump his promise was to make ‘America Great Again’ this was done so people would vote for him because of the reinforced dominant hegemonic view. 

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