Monday, 17 October 2016

Newspapers: the effect of online technology

Newspapers: the effect of online technology

Do you agree with James Murdoch that the BBC should not be allowed to provide free news online? Why?
1) I personally believe that BBC should not provide free news. This is the case as it would mean that the journalist would perhaps lose their jobs due to the fact that people are taking news into their own hands from example the increase of citizen digital. This could then mean that the accuracy of news will be in question.

Was Rupert Murdoch right to put his news content (The Times, The Sunday Times) behind a paywall?
2) I believe that Murdoch made the right decision to introduce a paywall. I believe that by this method being utilise it could save journalists jobs. This is the case as they have a more significant role in their occupation. If there wasn't any journalists we as media consumers wouldn't have access to relevant news stories.

Choose two comments from below the Times paywall article - one that argues in favour of the paywall and one that argues against. Copy a quote from each and explain which YOU agree with and why.
3) "It is so ridiculous if these mainstream newspapers believe that they can "force readership of fee-based news. One can get the same "news" for free almost anywhere on the internet."

I personally disagree with this because I think that news can be obtained from easier sources for free but the quality of the news may not be the same which we receive from journalists and the accuracy may not be as high either which means the audience receives news which isn't accurate or of low quality. 

"It strikes me that the difference in business models has a profound effect on the content type. "

I can agree with this comment as  there are different target audiences and those who are younger are more likely to get their news from an online source whereas those who are older are more likely to get it from a print format. 

Why do you think the Evening Standard has bucked the trend and increased circulation and profit in the last two years?
4)  I believe that the evening standard has bucked this particular trend as due to the raise of new and digital media people are most likely to consume their media online. On the other hand the Evening Standard do indeed have loyal customers who read their news everyday and would pay to consume the media as in their eyes it is a reliable source.

Is there any hope for the newspaper industry or will it eventually die out? Provide a detailed response to this question explaining and justifying your opinion.
5) I believe that the news industry is in terminal decline and will eventually die out due to the vast raise of new and digital media. This is the case as the internet is constantly innovating itself meaning the users will be receiving and have access to new media. The paywall does showcase a new strategy making money out of the newspaper industry.

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