Monday, 26 September 2016

Week 3: Story 5 - 'Google to invest $1m in YouTube Creators for Change'

Humza Arshad: created YouTube series Diary of a Badman

Google to invest $1m in YouTube Creators for Change

This article covers the news that google will be funding grants and production resources to help YouTubers tackle social issues and encourage tolerance.They use the example of the successful YouTuber HumazaProductions as he covers social issues in a effective and humble way due to the fact he uses comedy to portray the issue and has a message of truth and reality at the end of the video.
  • YouTube said it would unveil more ambassadors for the programme “soon” and those chosen will also be tasked with identifying other YouTubers who could contribute.
  • The YouTube Creators for Change programme will kick off with six YouTubers from different countries.
“We want to make sure that YouTube continues to be a platform where anyone can come to find connection and community, speak out on the issues they care about and have the freedom to belong.”
I believe that this is a positive innovation for the social media community as this will encourage young teenagers who are watching these videos to learn from the characters mistakes as there is a sense of truth and reality in the character Humza portrays in his YouTube channel.

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