Monday, 20 March 2017

Week 27: Story 53- Facebook needs news. So why shouldn’t it pay for it?

Facebook office sign

Facebook needs news. So why shouldn’t it pay for it?

This article talks about how important news is to Facebook.
  • 1) A radically diminished funding base for print media, 2) increasingly fragmented audiences, 3) an accelerating pattern of random and instantaneous digital dissemination of information, 4) video’s increasing displacement of the written and spoken word, and 5) diminishing amounts and lower quality of civic education, and related declines in knowledge of public affairs.”
  • Simply increasing the amount contributed to the support of news media to 1% of total US giving would generate more than $3.7bn.”#
 Washington Post to the walled garden of the New York Times), a constant exploration of language and demographic hooks that may help discover cash streams. Plus that $150m or so backing investigative outfits in the ProPublica bracket

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