Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Week 21: Story 42 - Wireless signals can detect your feelings with new device'

Image result for Wireless signals can detect your feelings with new device

Wireless signals can detect your feelings with new device' 


This article talks about the fact that researchers believe that technology can be used by advertisers to keep an audience interacted. 
  • MIT and AI researchers said that the device is 87% accurate in measuring whether someone is excited, happy, sad or angry
  • Can be used in film studios and advertising agencies to gauge audiences reactions 
  • Can be used in homes to adjust temperatures based on mood or even in health care 
I believe that  this new technology is really interesting in terms of what it can do but I also think there are many ethical issues with this device as if the applications are applied at workplaces, workers may not want their employer knowing how they're feeling and this could raise a lot of issues as some people are not comfortable with speaking about their emotions. Similarly, with advertising the same issues are raised. 

Week 21- Story 41: TV presenter warned after paid-for tweet about Alpro snack

Image result for tv presenter
 TV presenter warned after paid-for tweet about Alpro snack


“While we noted that the tweet contained the advertiser Twitter handle and campaign hashtags, we did not consider that this would make clear to consumers the commercial intent of the content or the editorial control exercised by the advertiser.”
  • Odudu, who currently has more than 25,000 followers on Twitter, has been warned to mark future similar posts with #ad to clear up any doubt.
  • he ASA said: “The ad was presented in a similar ‘voice’ to Ms Odudu’s other tweets and did not include any clear identifier, such as ‘#ad’, to demarcate it from her own content.
  •  The company, which specialises in soya food products, has pledged to ensure any future marketing communications are marked up as ads.

  This indicates how companies are now using social media to target specific audiences. Through the use of celebs high profile accounts with loads of followers such as Odudu, companies now pay them to promote their brand, this replaces traditional means of advertising such as TV advertisements and so on.


By employing Destiny Ekaraghas I can gather that Alvarado and Frantz theories does relate to black representations.  In Ekaraghas film we see the typical representation of the main character being humorous.'Gone too Far', we see the main character being humorous at times even without trying which reinforces Alvarado's theory of black people having this role in society which is reflected in shows and movies. Also, the girl that the main character is obsessed with and her ex-boyfriend would probably come under the 'dangerous' category as they seem to be aggressive throughout the film whilst using slang. Furthermore, we see DJ's in a studio who are African which portrays them as hard working and successful in their music so would support Alvarado's theory of black people being exotic. Frantz theory is similar in a way because of the way black representation is described for example decivilize from Frantz theory can be applied to the gangsters from Gone too Far or tight jeans. This fortifies generalizations of black characters in media content since it is the thing that society has been instructed to trust so we would hope to see it reflected somehow even from a maker like Destiny who might need to challenge these generalizations. Maybe she does this since some of these generalizations are valid.

TV programmes:
  • ·         Top boy
  • ·         55 degrees North
  • ·         The Fresh Prince 
  • ·         Dr Who

Online only productions:
  • ·         Brothers with no game
  • ·         Venus vs Mars
  • ·         The Ryan sisters
  • ·         All about the McKenzies
  • ·         Meet the Adebanjos

  • ·         Kidulthood
  • ·         Anuvahood
  • ·         Attack the block
  • ·         Shank
  • ·         Ill manors

Monday, 30 January 2017


  • Volunteering - is a key to success
  • No one comes from nowhere - Put everything into everything
  • Don't wait to be invited to the dance -
  • The day after you finish what do you do? - Think about who you will get in touch with after you're done; start sharing your work online.

Leon Mann 
  • Noticed there weren't many black people in the industry, so challenged the industry by creating a representation of him through clothing, interviewing style etc.
  • Kick it out; an anti-racism campaign introduced him into the industry
  • "The fastest man to ever live", Usain Bolt
  • Diversity in the media
  • Lack of diversity
  • More white middle class men than Asian and Black men, also a lack of women
  • In terms of media representations, research out of 3,000 stories have found that the vast majority (87%) were negative.

Tony Garnett
  • Films are influenced by events that took place in his lifetime
  • They're personal
  • Mainly about ordinary people

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Week 20: Story 40- 'Lessons to be learned as the Buenos Aires Herald goes weekly'

Image result for Buenos Aires Herald

'Lessons to be learned as the Buenos Aires Herald goes weekly'


This showcases how Buenos Aires Herald are making their journalists redundant due to  
their struggle to stay on as a successful newspaper. They have changed from a daily to a weekly distributed platform. 
  • “as many as 2,000 journalists may lose their jobs in the country in 2016, a staggering number which will damage the profession greatly”
  •  That was a reference to the paper’s defiance of the brutal regime in the 1976-83 period by reporting on its abductions of people who came to be known as “the disappeared”
I believe that this symbolizes that new and digital media has shaped the way in which we consume our media and how its affecting large news print companies. It illustrates how print media is dying. This has a negetive impact on journalist and those studying to be one as there will be less jobs being offered.

Week 20 :Story 39 How to solve Facebook's fake news problem: experts pitch their ideas

How to solve Facebook's fake news problem: experts pitch their ideas


Facebook are now trying to get rid of fake news that is being posted on their social media website so that people do not get the wrong idea of what is going on in society which could change their ideology and impact them in a negative way. 

  • The biggest challenge is who wants to be the arbiter of truth and what truth is,” said Claire Wardle, research director for the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University. “The way that people receive information now is increasingly via social networks, so any solution that anybody comes up with, the social networks have to be on board.”
I believe that this is indeed a good idea as this has become a problem in the last couple of months especially during the US election. People need to be informed with the right information

Monday, 23 January 2017

January Assessment- Learner Response

January Assessment- Learner Response 

35/48 (B)

WWW: Good gasp of the politics/theory under consideration

EBI: More about the news case study and the challenge the industry faces due to NDM- advertising revenue. Write a paragraph on this.
  • ·         Theory
  • ·         Stories
  • ·         More examples

A pluralist would argue that the impact of new and digital media that the impact of new and digital media is indeed democratic. This is the case as pluralist believes that there’s an even playing field between massive media institutions and audience do have a sense freedom. This is evident through the raise of social media sites in the last decade. Massive social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook have been dominating for the past few years. These social media sites have encouraged their users to raise awareness and challenge the world’s view of the political world. An example of this through the social media site twitters where a worldwide campaign surfaced their site. This has been trending which is the #blacklivesmatter campaign. This form of user-generated content allowed users to challenge the so called ‘powerful’ authorities on their wrong doings. This campaign surfaced into our digital lives when a series of unjust concerning black males where going unnoticed by the American police authorities. A video surfaced online of a middle age black man who goes by local authorities when he was minding his own business and posed no physical threat. The video then went viral and brought to a very serious matter concerning police brutality. This form of citizen journalism allows everyone to voice their own opinion unlike other countries where this isn’t possible. This is called the digital divide. There was a story on the guardian in which ‘Mark Zuckerberg rejects 'crazy idea' Facebook influenced US election’. This story showcases how powerful the internet is and how it allows people voice their own and views and ideologies.

A Marxist would on the other argue that the impact of new and digital media isn’t democratic. This is case as they believe that audiences don’t have as much power as some media institutions do. They believe that new and digital media is far from krotick saying that the internet is a ‘great leveller’. They believe that the massive media outlets have the power to manipulate the audience through their choice.  You could say that new and digital media has challenge Herman’s and McChency. Theory that ‘’traditional media will not be relinquished top easily’. This is the case as through the raise new and digital media as traditional media is in decline.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Week 19 :Story 38 - 'Politics has gone wrong. Is digital technology to blame?'

Image result for politicians

'Politics has gone wrong. Is digital technology to blame?


This story talks about the influence of new and digital media on politics due to Brexit and the US election
  • Politicians still have weapons at their disposal that Google and Facebook can't match  
  • Digital technologies makes it easier to do a lot of things, it has shaped us to make life easier 
I believe that new and digital media is essential in our daily lives as it allows us to access our news. it has influenced people as we have become reliant of the internet for getting information or doing some online shopping. I believe that the media sometimes creates problematic situations for people, however it also brings people together that share similar views and values. 

Week 19 :Story 37-Just Eat delivery robot to replace human drivers

Starship delivery droid on the roads

Just Eat delivery robot to replace human drivers


Just Eat has plans to expand the use of robotic delivery drivers in the capital in a move that could long term see the number of human drivers employed by restaurants cut back.
  • The futuristic courier, created by two former co-founders of Skype who launched Starship Technologies in 2014, is a six-wheeled automated trolley that travels at speeds of up to 4mph. 
  • It can carry up to 10 kilograms or three shopping bags and has a range of 10 miles, meaning it can transport food within a two to three mile radius, which takes 15 to 30 minutes. The robot can direct itself and avoid obstacles using a GPS signal and nine cameras, but it is also monitored remotely at all times. 
I believe that this is a smart way but also ambitious way in delivering food. This change could cause some problems for example it could mean that  people are more likely to lose their jobs because they're being placed by robots. 

Monday, 16 January 2017

NDM News Story Index

Week 1: Story 2- 'Why Facebook is public enemy number one for newspapers, and journalism'

Identities and the Media: Reading the riots

How did the language and selection of images in the coverage create a particular representation of young people? 

I believe that the language employed and the selections of images have represented young people in a negative way. This is the case as it as if the police where the victims of riots and the young people were to blame.

 Why does David Buckingham mention Owen Jones and his work Chavs: the demonisation of the working class?
I believe that David Buckingham mention Owen Jones due to the fact that the group in the riots  were actually working class who have been portrayed in the a negative light.

What is the typical representation of young people – and teenage boys in particular? What did the 2005 IPSOS/MORI survey find?
The 2005 IPSOS/MORI survey showcases that 40% of newspaper articles featuring young people focused on violence, crime oranti-social behaviour;
71% could be described as having a negative tone. 

How can Stanley Cohen’s work on Moral Panic be linked to the coverage of the riots?
One way in which Stanley Cohens work on Moral Panic can be linked due to the fact that the media always tries to produce scary stories and create a sense moral panic making the viewers worried.
The word 'anarchy' showcases this.

What elements of the media and popular culture were blamed for the riots?
I believe that there were some newspapers in which blamed popular culture such as music and video games in particular rap music. The Mail Online blamed rap music, which glorifies violence and loathing of authority.

How was social media blamed for the riots? What was interesting about the discussion of social media when compared to the Arab Spring in 2011?
Through the course of the riots social media sites such as Facebook were blamed for giving th rioters the license and freedom to communicate and plan where they would riot again. This is evident in the Arab spring’s protests as these protests would never happen if there wasn’t any social media.

The riots generated a huge amount of comment and opinion - both in mainstream and social media. How can the two-step flow theory be linked to the coverage of the riots? 
The step flow model can be applied to social media in the sense that opinion leaders like celebrities Politicians were saying the media; still following their partisan ideologies would reiterate this on their front pages to their audiences

Alternatively, how might media scholars like Henry Jenkins view the 'tsunami' of blogs, forums and social media comments? Do you agree that this shows the democratisation of the media?
I believe that media scholars such as Henry Jenkins thrive over these types of stories. This is due to the fact of the benefits of user- generated content. This is the case as it allows people to challenge views and ideologies in the media.

           What were the right-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
I believe that the right wing responses blame the young adults for the London riots. This is perhaps due to their political views.

What were the left-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
I believe that the left wing are most likely to be more understanding and sympathetic towards the young people due to the fact there was a reason to the London riots due to their feeling of injustice from the police.

What are your OWN views on the main causes of the riots?
I personally believe that the protests started due to the young people feeling of injustice from the police for the handling of the mark dugon situation. They people the excuse to loot and destroy things with the majority of people not caring about the initial cause of the protests in Tottenham. 

What is your own opinion on the riots? Do you have sympathy with those involved or do you believe strong prison sentences are the right approach to prevent such events happening in future?
I personally believe that it was a bit unfair that only some were sentenced even though there was many more. I believe that the young people weren’t really fighting for the actual cause as they used it is an excuse to loot.